The lazy entitled cat

The story of the lazy entitled cat. Cooch was a cute cuddly cat. His owner loved him so much that he never allowed him to do anything for himself. He treated him like a king and this made Cooch a very lazy and entitled cat. Everything was always done for him. Anytime he was left alone, he was always helpless, not able to do anything for himself.

One day, the family went for a vacation at a location where no pets were allowed. This meant that Cooch would be left home alone with no one to take care of him. It was all alright for him until when he needed something to eat. Although the owner had set up a food and water machine that would allow Cooch’s food and water to continuously flow for him to eat, he was not able to figure it out.

Days passed with Cooch hoping his owners would return soon but that was not to be. In fact, it seemed the owners would be on vacation for a very long time and Cooch would have to fend for himself. At first, he went through the house looking for any crumbs on the floor, then to the trash can looking for any left-over trash that had been thrown away and eventually, he started eating things in the house; one day he ate the chairs, the next day, was the table, next was the bed and so on.

Cooch had somehow managed to eat anything that was in his path to prevent him from starving to death.

When the owner and his family finally returned from their vacation, they found their house all empty. Cooch seems to have eaten everything in the house except the cat food and water that the owner had left for him.

Moral: Learn to do things for yourself.

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