The dumb fish

The dumb fish

There was once a colony full of dumb fish. The dumbest of them, however, was their leader. He had been made the leader by the other fish. This happened after one day he managed to help a group of fish from getting caught by a group of sharks that were attacking them. This, you might say was just pure luck on his side. He only uttered some random words that managed to scare the sharks away. These random words were a call to the ‘god’ of sharks. The call was to strike lightning on them, something even he did not understand.

From this day, the other fish regarded him as their leader. What was worse is they did not even think for themselves. Firstly, they would always look to their leader for guidance. In most cases, some of the things they did ended up being disastrous for them. With time, they started reducing in numbers as a result of some of the dumb decisions that they made.

One day, the colony of dumb fish was being attacked by some humans who had come for their usual fishing trips. This time, their leader gave them the brightest idea yet! He asked all the fish to go to the humans and offer themselves as a peace offering. He told them the best way to do this was to go to the shore, to where the humans were fishing from, and sing to them as a sign of peace and surrender. This was supposed to melt the human’s hearts and in turn, push them away from fishing from that area once and for all.

Unfortunately, this was not to be. The humans saw this as a wonderful day for them. A day when they were able to capture the biggest catch of fish since they came to live in the village.

And just like that, a whole colony of fish became extinct.

Moral: It is important to choose a wise leader.

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