The Cowardly Lion

The cowardly Lion
The cowardly Lion was known not just for being a coward, but for his laziness too.

Once upon a time in a sunny savanna, there lived a lazy lion. He loved to lounge around all day while the lionesses went out hunting and bringing food back to their den. While they worked hard, he napped lazily under the shade of a big tree, waiting for his meals.

But this lion wasn’t just lazy—he was also quite a coward! He was afraid of all the other animals in the forest and never wanted to play or talk to them. The lionesses grew tired of his laziness and cowardice. “How can we trust him to protect the den and our little cubs?” they wondered.

One day, the lionesses decided it was time to teach the lazy lion a lesson. They came up with a clever plan. They called upon the help of some friendly bulls they had met while hunting and asked them to come to the den and scare the lion.

The bulls trotted over, mooing and snorting, and began to tease the lion. “What kind of Lion are you, lying around while your family works?” they taunted. But instead of standing up to them, the cowardly Lion ran away to his secret hiding spot that he had prepared for a time such as this. He was trembling with fear!

Seeing that the lion was still too scared to respond, the bulls pretended to attack the cubs playing near the den. When the Lion saw this, something inside him changed. His heart raced, and his instincts kicked in. “I have to protect my family!” he thought.

With a mighty leap, he dashed towards the bulls and let out a roar so loud that it shook the ground. The sound was fierce and powerful, and it scared the bulls so much that they turned and ran away as fast as they could!

From that day forward, the lazy Lion was different. He became brave and protective, always keeping an eye on the den. The other animals in the forest started to fear him, and soon he earned the title of King of the Jungle!

The lionesses were delighted. Their clever trick had worked!

Moral: Sometimes, one needs a kick to learn

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