The boy who slacked off

The boy who slacked off

The tale of the boy who slacked off. There was a child who loved reading books so much. His parents had always told him that kids had to read a lot. And the kids who read became smart and grew up to be great people in society. And so, he spent his time reading because he wanted to be smart enough to be able to take a break anytime he wanted to relax when he grew up.

His hard work paid off in his lower classes as he was always among the top students in his class. As he moved up to the upper classes, he started taking it easy. He wasn’t reading as much as he used to. Even when he was in class, he was hardly listening to what the teachers were teaching. It was as though he had become so confident thinking that he was always going to be smart whether he read or not.

It was when the exams came that he realized he was not prepared at all. The boy who slacked off knew he needed to put in as much effort as he used to put in while he was in his lower classes.

Just like that, he went from being the top student in the school to being the last student. All within a short amount of time. This goes to show that while the way up is hard, falling is much easier if you do not take care.

Moral: Success is about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to greater things. 

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